What Is An Inverse Condemnation Suit?

An inverse condemnation suit is a lawsuit brought against a government entity for inverse condemnation. Generally speaking, inverse condemnation happens when a government entity damages your property in connection with a “public use” or “public project.” It’s complicated. 

Call Evan, he’s happy to explain whether you have an inverse condemnation lawsuit!

Here is a post about Evan’s 2024 mass tort flooding lawsuit against the City of San Diego. It involves inverse condemnation. 

Is Inverse Condemnation Legal?

Yes it’s legal. You can find it in Article 1, § 19 of the California Constitution. Inverse condemnation is a constitutional cause of action. 

Did a water main break flood your home? Did a city storm drain system fail and flood your home? Did the government damage your home? You may have an Inverse Condemnation case.

evan walker San Diego attorneyIs Inverse Condemnation Strict Liability?

It depends on who you ask and what type of inverse condemnation claim we’re talking about. A lot depends on how you understand the Supreme Court case of Oroville. At the bottom of the page is a link to Evan’s blog where he talks about that case. 

Inverse Condemnation is a complicated area of law. Inverse Condemnation claims involve constitutional law, tort law, and concepts like strict liability and government immunity. Not a lot of lawyers know about it.

Evan knows Inverse Condemnation and teaches it to other lawyers. See his YouTube page for a course he taught on inverse condemantion. 

Call Evan, a San Diego Property Damage Lawyer who has experience with inverse condemnation claims!

Evan has handled inverse compensation claims against cities and counties in both southern and northern California. He has helped clients recover after their homes were saturated by sewage. Evan has helped clients whose homes were destroyed by fire and drowned by flood. He has represented both individuals and businesses.

An experienced attorney is required to handle these types of claims.

Evan has talked to the news about these inverse condemnation claims. See your YouTube page for interviews.

If your property or business sustained property damage, contact Evan, a San Diego Property Damage Lawyer who has experience with inverse condemnation claims.

Here’s Evan’s blog on inverse condemnation:

What is Inverse Condemnation in California?

Here is some more helpful info on inverse condemnation:

Call (858) 324-6606 for your free consultation.