Did your home, condo, or business flood? Do you know the source of the water? Do you have flood insurance?

Call Evan, a San Diego Flood Damage Attorney! Evan handles flood damage claims and he used to work for insurance companies defending Hurricane Katrina claims.

Here is a post on Evan’s 2024 mass tort flooding lawsuit against the City of San Diego.

Flooding claims can get complicated and involve first and third party claims. You need to distinguish between water damage and flood damage. Most policies cover water damage but not flood damage. You need to determine the extent of flood damage and its lingering effects on your property and health. You also need to determine who is responsible for the flood damage. Call Evan, he may be able to help!

You should contact a San Diego Flood Damage Lawyer experienced with these claims. Read Evan’s blog about “El Niño Cometh: Understanding your Homeowners Policy.” Read too about appraisalsreplacement cost coverage, and anti-concurrent causation clauses.

Check this out: How Insurance Claims Work

There’s a lot of info you should know. Evan can help.

evan walker San Diego attorney

Evan has talked to San Diego news stations about flood damage claims. He’s also taught other lawyers about them. See his YouTube page and About Me for more info. You can also find some clips of seminars Evan has given on flood damage claims!

Here’s some more info: What To Do When Your Homeowners’ Insurance Claim Is Denied

What Are The Types Of Flood Damage Claims?

Here are a few of the flood damage claims that Evan has handled for clients:

      1.  A slow leak from a San Diego water main that turned his client’s San Diego home into a swamp; 

      1. A San Diego neighborhood flooded because of how San Diego interrupted the positive flow of water; 

      1. A San Diego water main broke and flooded two client homes; 

      1. A utility company’s water pipe erupted spraying thousands of gallons on a family home; 

      1.  A Chula Vista park channeled water into a family home flooding it; and 

      1. A Los Angeles developer flooded a family home by constant overwatering. 

    See Evan’s YouTube page for news coverage of some of these claims!

    What Insurance Pays For Flood Damage Claims?

    Generally speaking, only flood insurance will pay for flood damage claims. It’s important, however, to know how insurance policies define “flood” and “water damage.” That can make a real difference. The federal government underwrites flood insurance policies through the National Flood Insurance Program

    Most people don’t have flood insurance. If you don’t have flood insurance and your homeowners insurance has denied your claim, it’s crucial to determine if someone is responsible for the flood. Call Evan, he may be able to help!

    Who Is Responsible For Water Main Breaks?

    Here’s some more info: Water Main Breaks And Flood

    Free Consultation

    Evan worked for and defended insurance companies during the first 7 years of his practice. During that time, he defended insurance companies against Hurricane Katrine claims. He knows flood damage claims from both defense and plaintiff perspectives.

    While living in New Orleans, Evan worked for insurance companies defending water and flood claims caused by Hurricane Katrina. He read through dozens of insurance policies to determine ways to deny claims. That’s what insurance companies require. Now Evan’s fighting back.

    Was your home or business damaged by flood? Call Evan, a San Diego Flood Attorney, who has experience in handling flood claims.

    Evan’s first years of law practice were spent defending Hurricane Katrina claims in New Orleans. He understands the tricks insurance companies use to deny your claim.

    Evan is determined to find his clients full and fair compensation.

    Call (858) 324-6606 for your free consultation.